#Bridgeport, CT – Sept. 9, 2014 — The Bridgeport Police Department is asking for the public’s help in apprehending a suspect wanted in connection withFabian Francis the Aug. 10 fatal shooting at Park Avenue and Olive Street.  Police have an active warrant charging Fabian Francis, 17, with the killing of Ryan Hernandez, 21.  Detectives Robert Winkler and Ada Curet investigated the case.

The investigation and video footage from the scene showed at least two males arriving at the location in a car and showed the victim approaching the vehicle.  Francis exited the car and a confrontation ensued between him and Hernandez. Hernandez was fatally shot during the confrontation.

Last month, detectives charged a 16-year-old with conspiracy to commit murder for his role in the death of Hernandez. He was the driver of the vehicle in which Francis arrived.

Anyone who encounters Francis or knows his whereabouts is urged to call 911. Detective Robert Winkler can be reached at 203-581-5224. Callers can remain confidential.

El departamento de policía de Bridgeport está pidiendo la ayuda del público en la detención de un sospechoso buscado en relación con Fabian Francisco el 10 de agosto tiroteo fatal en Park Avenue y Olive Street. La policía tiene una orden activa de carga Fabian Francis, 17, con el asesinato de Ryan Hernández, 21. detectives Robert Winkler y Ada Curet investigado el caso.
La investigación y el vídeo imágenes de la escena mostraron al menos dos hombres que llegan a la ubicación en un coche y mostró la víctima acercarse al vehículo. Francis salió del coche y se produjo un enfrentamiento entre él y Hernández. Hernández fue fatalmente baleado durante el enfrentamiento.
El mes pasado, los detectives pagan un 16-años de edad, de conspiración para cometer asesinato por su papel en la muerte de Hernández. Él era el conductor del vehículo en el que Francis llegó.
Cualquier persona que se encuentra con Francis o sabe de su paradero se insta a llamar al 911 Detective Robert Winkler puede ser alcanzado en 203-581-5224. Las personas que llaman pueden permanecer confidencial.

O Departamento de Polícia de Bridgeport está pedindo ajuda do público na apreensão de um suspeito procurado em conexão com Fabian Francis a 10 de agosto de tiro fatal na Park Avenue e Olive Street. A polícia tem um mandado de ativos cobrando Fabian Francis, 17, com a morte de Ryan Hernandez, 21. Detectives Robert Winkler e Ada Curet investigou o caso.
A investigação e imagens de vídeo da cena mostrava, pelo menos, dois homens chegam ao local em um carro e mostrou a vítima se aproximar do veículo. Francis saiu do carro e seguiu-se um confronto entre ele e Hernandez. Hernandez foi morto a tiros durante o confronto.
No mês passado, os detetives cobrada uma 16-year-old de conspiração para cometer assassinato por seu papel na morte de Hernandez. Ele era o condutor do veículo em que Francis chegou.
Qualquer pessoa que se depara com Francis ou sabe seu paradeiro é instado a chamar 911 Detective Robert Winkler pode ser alcançado em 203-581-5224. Os chamadores podem permanecer confidenciais.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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