Bridgeport News: Unusual Robbery Investigated
11:40am--#Bridgeport CT-- Police are investigating an unusual robbery. A woman has robbed and locked a man inside a room at Sunnyside Inn at 174 Lake Street. The employees at the Inn have freed the man, the woman ran into the Food Bazaar across the street. La policía está investigando un robo a mano armada. Una mujer ha robado y encerrado a un hombre en el interior de una habitación en Sunnyside Inn at 174 Lake Street. El personal del hotel libertad el hombre, la mujer corrió hacia el bazar de Alimentos en la calle. A polícia está investigando um assalto à mão armada incomum. Uma mulher roubou e trancou um homem dentro de um quarto no Sunnyside Inn da 174…