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On 6/29/14 at 12:33 PM, the Fairfield 911 Center received a report of a boat on fire at “G” dock in the South Benson Marina complex. Additional 911 callers reported multiple boats on fire in the marina. Due to the additional reports and visible black smoke from miles away, additional firefighting units were called to the scene including the Fairfield police and fire department boats and mutual aid from Bridgeport. Upon arrival of the first firefighters from Engine 1, heavy smoke and fire were observed in the entire marina and firefighters saw a group of people trapped on the end of “G” dock, blocked from the shore due to the fire. Personnel were advised upon arrival that one man was working on a boat and jumped into the water to escape the flames. Firefighters checked the individual for injuries and he refused medical care on scene stating that he only had minor cuts. Another civilian on the dock at the time of the fire witnessed the man jump into the water and assisted with rescuing him from the water.

Initial fire crews worked to limit spread of the fire to the two involved boats and also cooled the adjacent exposed vessels to prevent further damage. Additional personnel responded to the scene to search for any injured boaters, establish a water supply, and to protect the public from electrical and flammable hazards related to the burned boats. Police and Fire boats controlled access to the dock and prepared to rescue firefighters or remove trapped boaters from the dock if needed. Bridgeport Fire and Police boats reported to the area and assisted Fairfield with controlling marina traffic. Bridgeport FD assisted with station coverage during the fire. The US Coast Guard was notified of the incident but did not respond. CT DEEP and ENCON Police also responded to the scene to assist with handling any potential fuel discharge issues but fire personnel were able to control the release from the damaged vessels. Fairfield Police assisted with crowd control and scene safety.

The Fairfield Fire Marshall was called to the scene to investigate the cause of the fire. Initial damage assessment includes: 2 boats completely destroyed, 2 boats with moderate to severe damage and 2 boats with minor damage. The aluminum dock floatation, water and electrical systems were also damaged by the fire. Electrical power was shut down to the entire “G” dock until repairs can be assessed and made. The estimated value of the 2 boats destroyed by the fire is in excess of $40,000 while the extent of damage to the exposed vessels has not been determined. The Fire Marshall has identified the boat of fire origin and has determined that the cause of the fire was related to accumulated gasoline vapors ignited by an electric spark when the occupant plugged in an extension cord on the boat.

Boaters were not allowed onto the dock until all hazards could be eliminated and the burned boats which were filled with flammable gas and were leaking could be removed to safety. The Harbor Manager and Fairfield Police and Fire boats supervised the movement of the vessels to the boat ramp so they could be safely removed from the marina and eliminate any further environmental release.

Assistant Chief Scott Bisson stated, “While the damage to the boats was significant, we were extremely lucky that no one was seriously injured and the marina was able to resume 95% of its normal operations within 2 hours of this fire. Additionally, this fire showed the results of years of practical training and equipment acquisitions through homeland security grants where all agencies work together as a  unified team protecting the coastal waters of Fairfield County.”

20 Firefighters responded to the scene to control the fire and Chief Felner was also on scene.

Em 29/06/14 às 12:33 PM, a central 911 de Fairfield recebeu uma chamada de um barco em chamas na doca “G” na South Benson Marina. Outras chamadas relataram vários barcos em chamas na marina. Devido aos chamados adicionais e fumaça negra visível a quilômetros de distância, as unidades de combate a incêndios adicionais foram chamadas para o local, incluindo a polícia de Fairfield e barcos do Corpo de Bombeiros e de ajuda mútua de Bridgeport. Após a chegada dos primeiros bombeiros, observou-se densa fumaça e fogo em toda a marina e os bombeiros viram um grupo de pessoas presas no final da doca “G”, bloqueados por causa do fogo. A equipe foi avisada ​​na chegada que um homem estava trabalhando em um barco e pulou na água para escapar das chamas. Bombeiros verificaram se o indivíduo estava ferimentos e ele recusou atendimento médico no local afirmando que ele só teve pequenos cortes. Outra pessoa na doca, no momento do incêndio testemunhou o homem saltar para a água e o resgatou da água.
Bombeiros inicialmente trabalharam para limitar a propagação do fogo para os dois barcos envolvidos e também refrigerar os vasos adjacentes expostos para evitar mais danos. Ajuda adicional respondeu ao local para procurar velejadores feridos, estabelecer um abastecimento de água, e para proteger o público de riscos elétricos e inflamáveis ​​relacionados com os barcos queimados. A polícia e os barcos de fogo controlaram o acesso ao cais e preparam para resgatar os bombeiros ou remover os velejadores presos a partir do cais, se necessário fosse. Barcos do corpo de bombeiros de Bridgeport e polícia foram para o local das assistencia a Fairfield com o controle de tráfego marina. A Guarda Costeira dos EUA foi notificada do incidente, mas não respondeu.
Avaliação de danos inicialmente inclui: 2 barcos completamente destruídos, 2 barcos com danos moderados e 2 barcos com pequenos danos. A doca de alumínio flutuante, água e sistemas elétricos também foram danificadas pelo fogo. A energia elétrica foi fechada a toda a doca “G” até que os reparos pudessem ser avaliados. O valor estimado dos 2 barcos destruídos pelo fogo excede $40.000. The Fire Marshall identificou o barco que originou o fogo e determinou que a causa do incêndio foi relacionado com os vapores de gasolina acumulados inflamados por uma faísca elétrica, quando o ocupante ligou um cabo de extensão no barco.

Velejadores não foram autorizados no cais até que todos os riscos fossem eliminados e os barcos queimados pudessem ser removidos com segurança. Os barcos da Polícia Fairfield supervisionaram o movimento dos barcos para a rampa, para que pudessem ser removidos com segurança a partir da marina e eliminassem qualquer posterior liberação ambiental.

Assistant Chief Scott Bisson declarou: “Embora os danos aos barcos fossem significativos, fomos extremamente sortudos de que ninguém tenha ficado gravemente ferido e a marina foi capaz de retomar 95% de suas operações normais dentro de 2 horas deste incendio. Além disso, este fogo mostrou os resultados de anos de formação prática e aquisições de equipamentos por meio de doações de segurança interna, onde todas as agências trabalhando juntas como uma equipe unificada protegendo as águas costeiras da Fairfield County “.

20 bombeiros responderam ao local para controlar o fogo e Chief Felner também estava no local.

By Alex

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