Welcome to DoingItLocal.com!
We've been around for over 5 years. So why am I saying welcome to DoingItLocal.com? [caption id="attachment_24611" align="alignright" width="205"] Steve KrauchickOwner of DoingItLocal.com[/caption] Since our news story on the woman crashing into the Cumberland Farms in Fairfield last week, it aired on all the TV stations in Connecticut, WABC-TV in New York and also Good Morning America! Since then our audience has mushroomed to an weekly Facebook audience of 163,760 as of this writing. Up 162.9% from previous week! That's not including our audience on Twitter or DoingItLocal.com, yes it is a website. Most view us on Facebook on their phones. We are different from most news organizations. We report on many news stories that aren't reported on like gas leaks because they…