WASHINGTON, DC— Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) released the following statement on the one-year anniversary of Governor Dannel P. Malloy signing into law Connecticut’s new gun violence prevention legislation:


“One year ago today, Republicans and Democrats in the Connecticut legislature came together to make our state safer for children and families. The gun violence prevention legislation signed into law last year has helped keep military-style guns off our streets, ensure that high-capacity magazines are accounted for, and prevent criminals, the mentally ill, and children from getting their hands on a gun.


“Unfortunately, the U.S. Congress has so far failed to follow Connecticut’s lead – but I remain as committed as ever to passing federal legislation to reduce gun violence. In the weeks and months ahead, I will continue urging my colleagues to put aside politics and special interests to pass commonsense gun violence prevention measures. The victims of Sandy Hook – and all those who fell victim to gun violence before and since then – deserve no less.”

By Alex

One thought on “Himes Statement on Anniversary of Connecticut Gun Law”
  1. lmbo..wow Jim Himes is dilussional!! These laws have NOT in anyway help these guns get off the street. Violence is higher than ever in CT even after the new laws! STOP punishing the good people and go after the mentally ill and criminals!

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