Month: January 2014

Bridgeport News -Police Take Assault Suspect into Custody

#Bridgeport, CT – Jan. 16, 2013 – Police have a suspect in custody in connection with a stabbing that happened this afternoon on Benham Avenue. Police responded to the corner of Benham and Park Avenues on an assault shortly after 3 p.m. Officers encountered two people injured, a male and a female. The suspect had fled on foot but police were able to determine his identity and arrested him a short time later. The circumstances of the incident remain under investigation. Initial accounts are that the female victim parked at the corner and entered a nearby establishment. A short time later, she exited the establishment and returned to her car. The incident happened inside her vehicle. She alerted people outside by honking…

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What’s with the hat?

When I first started covering news stories,  police were rightfully suspicious and wonder who is this guy and why is he recording us?  I also  own a reminiscing website and back in the day reporters would be wearing a fedora style hat and they would have their press pass in the band of their hat.  It was a natural thing for me to do, and unnatural thing  since I don't really like wearing hats.  But it was an important thing for me to do because not many men wear fedoras these days and it stood out.  It helped identify me with the public officials on who I am.  Years ago I even had an assistant fire chief refuse to talk…

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