Here is the Operations Desk at in our new location in Fairfield. The new location has me 7 minutes to downtown Bridgeport OR Fairfield, 9 minutes to East Main Street Bridgeport and points between. This has already allowed me to cover news stories while they were still breaking.
Towards the left you will see a series of scanners. The bank of computers are used to allow us to record and archive calls. It allows us to roll back the call to get the address if I missed it the first time. Sometimes we use the call in the news reports to give it the drama it had as the story unfolded. Other times we need the audio to prove what we reported was actually what was broadcasted.
The left computer is Alex’s computer, he reports from 10am to 6pm. The screen second to right is primarily a TV to tune to TV news or used as a second screen for computing. The next one is my computer which I do 90% of my communicating with you. It also acts as a second screen for video editing. The far right computer is the video editing computer.
Just to the right is the door to the attached garage where the DoingItLocalMobile is garaged ready to go complete with dash cam. Yes, the DoingItLocalMobile is powered by an Interstate Battery and it is maintained by Nick at Fairfield Auto Care to get me to the hood and back safely and reliably!
There also conference/media room to work on other projects. Considering all the hours we put in it is great that we do work from home!