Rough start to the week.  My son Alex will be taking over the reporting for the next couple of days.  I own a couple of other sites that I will shift my attention to during this time.  Alex is still learning so be gentle on  him with the comments and his reporting.  He’s all I can afford!

Today started with me being accused of sensationalizing the news because I titled a post manhunt, even though police were looking for two males with K-9.  Then because I described them as being African Americans I was accused of being politically correct.  A month earlier I was called racist because I described a suspect as dark skinned because it was uncertain if the suspect was from the Caribbean.   Have you noticed I have stopped describing suspects?

If that wasn’t enough for one DAY I get a call from someone threatening me over a post.  From someone I THOUGHT was a friend.  I’m use to dealing with ALL these situations but NOT all in one day.

Well if you have read this far you truly care.  This is the hardest website I’ve ever run.  World wide websites are oh so much easier!   I need a time out.  If you like what we do please visit or e-mail our sponsors who make this all work.  I can’t do it without them.  But  is much more than selling a lunch or dinner.  Its about bringing the community together in a way unlike before. Reuniting pets with their owners, giving free Small Business Shout Outs  to let you know about a neighbor who has a product or service, or just letting you know why all the firetrucks just went flying down your street.

For now I’m trading in the scanners for my earbuds.  The artist formerly know as Prince is playing– and I’m going to Party Like It’s 1999.  I’ll be back in the next day or two recharged and energized with new ideas.  I’ve been down this route before……

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

One thought on “I need a time out!”
  1. I hope you come back with thicker skin mister! The more popular you get and the more your site grows, the more people you’ll have to deal with. You can not make everyone happy and there’ll always be haters. I think the problem with your site is that your die hard readers don’t want to share where they’re getting their information from because it keeps them a step ahead of everyone else stunting the growth by the ol’ word of mouth. Your posts are the first words I read every before many news paper articles and blogs. Keep up the good work Mister and remember to do things your way when you get back or you will wind up needing a time out every other day.

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