Bridgeport Detectives arrested two juveniles Friday in connection with a fire that caused extensive damage to a Poplar Street home. The fire and police departments Wednesday responded to 181 Poplar St.
The fire marshal’s office and detective division responded because of the suspicious circumstances. Detectives Ken McKenna and Art Calvao responded to the scene and met with Fire Department Fire Inspector Richard Balestrieri. After numerous interviews spanning two days, two suspects were identified. On Friday, just after 5:30 p.m. Detectives McKenna and Calvao interviewed the juveniles in front of their parents. The boys admitted to starting the fire using a newspaper and lighter. The juveniles also were identified as starting numerous small fires throughout the Poplar Street area.
Illegal fireworks are not believed to be the cause. It is not believed that the juveniles intended to burn down the house. Both were issued juvenile summons for reckless burning and released to their parents.