Two weeks ago on my quest to find the perfect burger was successfully finding quite a few of them at Lil’ Moes at 2415 Main Street in Stratford. My daughter however opted for a shrimp roll. The rule for these tastings is for me to try a bite! OH MY GOSH that shrimp roll was out of this world. I forgot just how good shrimp tasted with out needing to smother it with lemon or cocktail sauce! We had to try the seafood next! The timing is good since many of our viewers practice lent. Maureen the owner also wanted us to try entrees this time around.
The last time we visited we all fell in love with the French Onion or as they call it Five Onion Soup, some of the best we have ever had! My daughter reordered it but my son and I ordered the Lobster Bisque my wife ordered the Clam Chowder. It was interesting since I feel in love with the chowder and my wife loved the bisque so we switched. My son who loves trying the most interesting a menu can offer said the bisque is now his all time favorite topping the Five Onion Soup from Lil’ Moe’s. He verified it by re sampling it. I the traditionalist absolutely loved the chowder as did the rest of us, but the bisque was the clear favorite. The worst we had tonight was wonderful!
Getting a very fresh salad these days are easier than in the past and that is exactly what we received very fresh. I knew the key was going to be the dressing, it was homemade. I’m sorry but I can’t remember what everyone ordered, all sample was great. The key for me was Thousand Island Dressing. I know what good Thousand Island tastes like and this was probably the best I’ve had. It was thick but easily spreadable on the salad. There wasn’t too much of one ingredient a great blend. Again, freshness and homemade made for a great salad!

I had to go with the stuffed shrimp for the main course. I wasn’t disappointed. 5 large shrimp (oxymoron I know) overstuffed with a delicious seafood stuffing was wonderful. The stuffing was a delicious blend that gave a nice flavor every time you chewed it, a masterful blend. The shrimp I had to eat plain. It was awesome, like I said no need for lemon or anything else, just enjoy the true delicious taste of shrimp! I even dug deep into the tail to get every single morsel out of it! Tiffany Hawley recommended the mashed potatoes, being the traditionalist I was happy to oblige! They were excellent, again freshness is the key along with the broccoli they were served with.
I knew my wife was going to order the poached salmon. I’m the big deep seafood fan, she’s the salmon, bass, tuna fan. For over twenty years we have shared a bite or two not knowing it was training DoingItLocal.com! This salmon just flaked with the touch of your fork. It had a nice flavor that did not have dominant fish flavor of what you often get when the fish isn’t one hundred percent fresh. This was very fresh and nicely seasoned. It was served over spinach and mashed potato and an orange glaze which my wife said is “out of this world!”
I expected my son to try the clams or cod but being the adventurist he went for the Mushroom Risotto which came with shrimp, scallops and calamari in a lobster cream sauce. I sampled the calamari and it was so tender. My daughter who has traditionally been the picky eater shocked all of us and tried it for the first time and loved it. To quote my son ” There is nothing worse than bad calamari and nothing better than good calamari. This was great calamari!” I never had mushroom risotto before and all I can say was it was awesome! If you have never tried it you must! It is great!

My daughter had the Fettuccini Alfredo with shrimp. Having my own shrimp she was safe. I was getting overstuffed when it came time to try her Fettuccini Alfredo but it was the very best I have ever had. That alone would have made a great dinner let alone the shrimp! I did over-stuff on the Alfredo and risotto, they are a must try!
It was dessert time and I was going down for the count! My daughter had what I would have ordered, the double chocolate cake. My wife and son the Tiramisu Layer Cake. I’m not a huge coffee flavored anything other than coffee (the traditionalist in me) but this was something delicious to try. If I wasn’t so full I would have opted for this as my dessert. I’m a big chocoholic and my daughters double chocolate cake was awesome, but the Tiramisu Layer Cake was something so good and unique it trumped my love for chocolate!
Some changes are in order if I continue reviewing Lil’ Moe’s. I have to throttle back! The food is so good I eat everything on my plate let alone the sampling from my families dishes! I have to take a doggie bag home to enjoy the next day. I remember enjoying the salad and not finishing it. The waitress asked if it was ok and if I enjoyed it. I did very much! Oh and the warm fresh rolls! How can I forget them! I just didn’t want to overfill knowing what was coming up. The portions are very ample! There is no way most people can finish a full entree and then have dessert without a doggie bag or throwing the remainder out. Don’t miss out on the dessert, it is a true treat!
We are privileged living in this part of Connecticut. Some of the very best restaurants with a wide variety of cuisine is available to us within a 30 minute drive. Lil’ Moe’s cannot be missed. As I mentioned before I’ve passed by this place dozens of times without giving it a thought. Thankfully her husband messaged me to try it, I’m so glad we did and I know you will to!
I’m in trouble next week….steaks! This is mine, my daughter and son’s very favorite entree. I can’t wa