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10:18pm–Bridgeport–2 stabbing victims showed up at St. Vincent’s Hospital. It is reported they are not cooperating with police.
5:38pm–Bridgeport–A woman at 629 Washington Ave. has told police that a man she knows took her against her will at gunpoint, shot at her, tied up and tried to sexually assault her. She managed to escape and called police who are investigating.
3:22am–Bridgeport–One in custody after police pursuit from the Hollow to Iranistan Ave by the Klein Memorial. Suspect was wanted for shoplifting a cart full from Walgreens on Villa Ave. in Fairfield earlier tonight. Employees got the plate number which came back to Crowther Avenue near Showcase Cinemas in Bridgeport.
3:07pm-Easton #cttraffic Route 58 is closed at Norton Road and will be for quite some time. Car hit utility pole, wires & transformer down. Oil on the road from transformer.
1:24am–Bridgeport #cttraffic I-95 northbound between exits 27 and 28 pedestrians are fighting. Bridgeport police on scene breaking it up.